Here Are 5+ Sales Pitch Examples That’ll Change Your Sales Game

Will Cannon
Last updated on February 17, 2023
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    It’s critical for businesses to be able to effectively sell their products and services to their target customers. But it’s a delicate science, which is why talented sales professionals can command high prices. These professionals develop strong sales pitches. Here’s a look at some standout sales pitches to help you level-up your sales results.

    7 Sales Pitch Examples That Will Inspire You 

    There’s a lot of sales guidance out there. So you should be selective and look to the best for inspiration. Here’s a look at the best sales pitch examples out there.

    Wolf of Wall Street

    The Wolf of Wall Street was such a gigantic success when it was released in 2013 that it electrified sales teams around the world. Martin Scorsese’s masterpiece follows the meteoric rise of Jordan Belfort. While it’s somewhat critical of his intentions, his sales pitches were without rival.

    In this amazing scene from the movie, we see how Jordan Belfort launched his career by selling penny stocks. Surrounded by uninspired colleagues in a somewhat dreary office, he makes his first cold call and convinces his target to make a large investment.

    There are lots of critical techniques to learn from here. Belfort amiably, warmly, and energetically speaks to his prospect. He makes a point of quickly providing information, then requests permission to continue his sales pitch. It’s the perfect blend of respect and conviction.

    In the above scene, you can see how masterful he is by gauging the reactions of Belfort’s colleagues! While his business practices were immoral, he certainly knew how to connect with prospects and close sales.

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    Salesforce is a behemoth company that now earns over $10 billion each year. The company has some serious talent on every level, especially on its sales and marketing teams. Without these critical components, it’s difficult to achieve such growth.

    The sales deck for its Marketing Cloud product demonstrates the quality that it offers. Sales professionals work hard to create amazing sales pitch decks that transmit key information while engaging the audience, and this deck is a great template. 

    The look and feel is great and on-brand, so marketing has obviously worked closely alongside sales here. In terms of content, the slides are light on text, and they put visuals front and center. This tactic inspires audiences and gives sales professionals the opportunity to do what they do best: Inspire their prospects and add personality to the raw information before them.

    Scrub Daddy

    Scrub Daddy was founded in 2012. Thanks to a masterful sales pitch that was delivered on Shark Tank, it shot to prominence. Today, the company is the most valuable to have ever started on the show. 

    Aaron Krause nails every point of his sales pitch, makes sure to inspire the sharks, and provides the background about why he decided to center his life around buffing and polishing pads. The products themselves aren’t particularly inspiring, but Krause uses his sales abilities to make them irresistible.

    Krause is quick to explain how he had the idea for the product, and how he grew it. The sharks become involved in his story, which demonstrates the importance of great storytelling in a good sales pitch. This ability is pivotal for sales professionals to try and develop.

    You have to find an emotional hook for your product or service by explaining its origins, and tell your customers a story. Over thousands of years, Our brains have been wired to seek out good stories, and it’s always pleasurable to find one that makes sense.


    Mattermark exists to help its customers create actionable lists for leads by providing a browser of company and investor information. This sales deck is a fantastic introduction to the company, and it really helps customers tell a consistent story.

    As you flick through this sales deck, you’ll start to appreciate just how concise and direct the information is. The vision statement consistently satisfies our natural appetite for storytelling and a glimpse of the bigger picture, while the small statistics offer us clear information throughout.

    The graphs that are consistently used also help demonstrate how the company has performed over the years. Then we’re introduced to the executive team at the end. Again, this tactic helps sales professionals tell a cohesive story that has all of the details a prospect could need. There’s no dead airtime. You can create something similar using Venngage’s graph maker or Visme’s graph creator tool.

    Alibaba’s Early Pitch

    Alibaba is a marketplace that brings together manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, importers, buyers, and wholesalers. The gigantic company now has a 60% share of the Chinese e-commerce market, so it’s a global powerhouse.

    Jack Ma founded the company back in 1999. In this amazing video (with English subtitles), we get to be a fly on the wall when Ma pitched the idea to just 17 friends in his apartment. In this sales pitch example, you see again how the “sales rep” tells a fantastic story and outlines an incredible vision.

    Watching the video, you’ll undoubtedly notice that Ma speaks with conviction and clarity. Alibaba pitched a dramatic goal: Compete with the U.S. internet titans that were already wrestling for control of the digital space. Selling this idea demands conviction. To convincingly sell your products, you should understand that you need a similar belief.

    Whether you’re responsible for sales as a small business owner or heading up a team, you should try to inspire this authentic belief among your sales team.

    Reddit Ads

    Reddit bills itself as the front page of the internet, and with over 500 million monthly engaged visitors, it’s easy to see why. The company has a lot of niche communities who are incredibly loyal to the site.

    Despite its amazing scale and legions of diehard fans, many people still don’t know about the site. So Reddit has a major challenge, and this sales deck helps inspire confidence among audiences.

    Furthermore, this deck does an amazing job of using social proof and media coverage to underscore just how much the website is reaching unfamiliar audiences. The information is used well, and it will undoubtedly inspire many advertisers to start displaying their ads on Reddit.

    Mark Cuban

    Mark Cuban is an immensely famous business personality. He’s one of the main sharks on Shark Tank, and he’s also the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, an NBA team.

    Marc Cuban

    In this interview, he explains how he was willing to turn things around and personally engage in sales when he took possession of the Mavericks. (He even worked the phones.) Since then, he’s expressed his belief that the best managers are willing to work in the frontlines and inspire their teams.

    A compassionate and understanding man, he’s explained how his sales pitch resonated with his target audience: He identified the pain points and desires of the average Dallas sports fan and utilized them to make his offering all the more attractive.

    His sales pitch example demonstrates how compassion and understanding can be harnessed for good and used by sales professionals to an attractive and effective sales pitch that help customers find what they’re looking for.

    Anatomy of the Best Sales Pitch

    So what does all this information mean? Here’s a closer look at the four key elements that make up a successful sales pitch for your sales reps to boost your revenues…


    It’s no secret that sales are tough and that many prospects can get upset when they receive too many unsolicited calls and emails. But they utilize authenticity as a workaround. 

    If you authentically believe that your customers want your product or service when you pitch it to Mark Cuban, you’ll find it easier to secure a deal. 

    To help foster authenticity, you should make sure you inspire your customers to believe in your product or service. You and your team should use the products yourselves and really work on identifying its benefits. Then you’ll be able to sell in a human way that resonates with your prospects.


    Your sales pitch needs to have substance while keeping it small enough to be an effective an elevator pitch.  It can’t all be all smoke and mirrors! As we saw in the Reddit Ads pitch deck, it’s important to include relevant information as much as necessary.

    For example, if you’ve identified your prospects as being wary about social proof, you should be sure to provide that information. In most businesses, this tactic will involve collaborating with marketing to get the collaterals you need.

    The Salesforce sales pitch deck was the result of a strong collaboration between sales and marketing. So you should try to achieve the same, and provide your prospects with the relevant information they need. Condense your elevator pitch and make sure it’s all about the value proposition.


    Aaron Krause used such a successful sales pitch on Shark Tank because he was able to effectively invoke emotion via storytelling. The sharks were enthralled by his sensible narrative, which explained why the product had ended up before them.

    As human beings, we all have an innate desire to understand the world around us. We achieve this goal by sharing stories with each other. If you can share convincing stories that resonate with your prospects, you’ll be sure to succeed. This isn’t a sales presentation yet, but you don’t want it to be the last time you get to tell them your sales pitch.

    Your sales pitch story should be truthful but polished. You should feel comfortable building a fun, engaging, inspiring story based on real-world details. Then you’ll have the best chance of engaging with your prospects.


    Jack Ma’s has a good sales pitch example, due to the sheer conviction he exhibits. Even in a small room with just 17 of his friends, you can feel that his sales pitch was driven by determination and a solid belief.

    If you’re pitching your business to prospects, they’ll be able to see whether you’re confident in the story you’re presenting, which is why it’s so important to believe in your mission and spread this belief throughout your team.

    As time has told, Ma obviously had an amazing product. As much as possible, you should attempt to work with quality products that essentially sell themselves.


    Sales is a tough game, but if you look to the best sales pitch for inspiration, you’ll significantly boost your chances of success. We hope this look at some great sales pitch examples of sales pitches has helped inspire you and look in the right direction for guidance.

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