Manage Your Personal Information
In accordance with data privacy laws, such as GDPR, CCPA, or others, you have the right to request and receive a detailed report of the personal data UpLead has collected about you by selecting the type of your request to “Request information” from the dropdown in the form.
You also have the right to opt-out of the “sale” or “sharing” of your Personal Information on a going-forward basis and you may request to exercise this opt-out by filling out the webform on this page. For opt-out select the type to “Delete my information”.
Important Note: As described in our Privacy Policy, UpLead only collects, uses, and shares Data about companies and professionals that work within companies. We take reasonable steps to ensure that Personal Information that is not related to your business identity is removed from our service.
Contact email can be different or the same as the email you request data for. *
Manage Your Personal Information