Email Finder
UpLead helps you find valid email addresses for key decision-makers at the companies you sell to.
Enter a domain name to start the search.

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Create a free account
Create a free account to verify emails and access 100MM+ B2B contacts.
Unlock your top prospects’ emails
Find the right emails and contacts for key decision-makers at the companies you sell to.
Unlock your top prospects’ emails
Find the right emails and contacts for key decision-makers at the companies you sell to.

95% Accuracy Guarantee
Search by company name or URL
160M+ million contacts
THE Best Email Finder: We back up our accuracy with a guarantee
Similar tools won’t disclose their accuracy rate because it’s too low or they simply can’t guarantee it. We say it upfront: 95% data accuracy.
- Real-time verification
- No match = no charge

We back up our accuracy with a guarantee
Similar tools won’t disclose their accuracy rate because it’s too low or they simply can’t guarantee it. We say it upfront: 95% data accuracy.
- Real-time verification
- No match = no charge
Find emails by company or URL
Enter a contact name and company name or URL and get your lead’s valid email in seconds.
- Pay only for valid emails
- Accept-all and catch-all emails are flagged
Find emails by company or URL
Enter a contact name and company name or URL and get your lead’s valid email in seconds.
- Pay only for valid emails
- Accept-all and catch-all emails are flagged

Real emails — no guesses
You don’t want to pay to access guessed emails or guessed email patterns. UpLead’s Email Finder only works with known, verified emails.
- Instant verification
- Phone number and social links included

Real emails — no guesses
You don’t want to pay to access guessed emails or guessed email patterns. UpLead only works with known, verified emails.
- Instant verification
- Phone number and social links included
Bulk Email Lookup
Grab thousands of emails in seconds
Upload a list with names and companies and get emails, phone numbers, social profiles and more, at once.
- Grab 40+ attributes at once
- Export to Excel or CRM
Grab thousands of emails in seconds
Upload a list with names and companies and get emails, phone numbers, social profiles and more, at once.
- Grab 40+ attributes at once
- Export to Excel or CRM

Sales-oriented companies grow
with our data
UpLead is the preferred lead generation tool for companies selling across the globe.