UpLead: The best Clearbit alternative
UpLead is an affordable Clearbit alternative.
Here’s why you should consider switching…
On one side, we have Clearbit, a relatively new player in B2B data intelligence that markets itself largely by its “real-time” data updates. On the other side, we have THE Clearbit alternative, UpLead. At UpLead, we have always set our platform apart by offering real-time verified data to our customers.
Clearbit alternative: The Points of Comparison
We’ve made previous comparisons between UpLead and other Clearbit competitors, always by focusing on the same five categories: database size, pricing, contract obligations, update frequency, and special features. The points of comparison in these categories tend to be the core selling points that drive decisions in the B2B data space. For instance, one client might be looking to buy B2B contact leads as affordably as possible, while another might need the platform with the largest database. By looking at these five categories, we are confident we will be able to help you choose between Clearbit and UpLead, the best Clearbit competitor.
UpLead vs. Clearbit: Database Size
Clearbit’s database consists of 395 million contacts spanning 20 million companies in 165 countries. The company utilizes 250 different data sources to add to its database. UpLead has a smaller database, with 108+ million business contacts around the globe.
The Verdict: Clearbit Wins

UpLead vs. Clearbit: Pricing
The Verdict: UpLead Wins
UpLead vs. Clearbit: Contract Obligations

If 200 new leads last your business 2-3 months, then you might choose to buy our Essentials package in August and skip September and October. With UpLead, your credits don’t lapse or expire after a month, which means you retain access to our database for as long as you still have credits and an active account.
The Verdict: UpLead Wins
UpLead vs. Clearbit: Update Frequency
At UpLead, we use real-time email verification to check our data the moment our customers download it. Essentially, when you select a set of data to download, our system instantly pings the email servers for the contacts in question. The system then marks each address as Valid, Invalid, or Accept All. Invalid addresses are no longer live; we automatically remove these emails from our database and flag them for more research. Email servers that have been set up to “Accept All” messages are often still live, unlike servers that yield an “Invalid” message, but can’t be verified. Valid email addresses have been verified as live and active.
The Verdict: UpLead Wins
UpLead vs. Clearbit: Special Features
At UpLead, we offer data enhancement and easy CRM integration. We also have a robust technology install base that tracks more than 16,000 technologies. This information can tell you which types of software and hardware your prospects are using—details you can use to identify the best leads or target them more effectively.
The Verdict: UpLead Wins

Final Verdict: UpLead Beats Clearbit!
Clearbit offers a large B2B database with smart features for data updates and CRM integration. However, the platform is on the expensive side, especially when you consider that the Enrichment and Reveal products are sold entirely separately from the Prospector tool. UpLead offers greater flexibility, more features, and truer real-time data verification, all for less money. Our database may be smaller, but we are competitive in every other category. UpLead is the best Clearbit competitor in the market.
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